Julie Koon

City Farm (Fall 2025)
Yarn the Farm (Fall 2026)
Breath A Rainbow (Spring 2026)

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"The Struggle Bus is perhaps the best SEL text I have read this year. Now when I explain to my students that their feelings, experiences, and emotions are human experiences that happen to everyone, I will have a super awesome picture book to go with it. I love everything about this text, from illustrations from which students can infer feelings and moods to the message of reaching out and being ok with getting support from friends, family, and teachers. Hard things make our brains grow!"
-- Kids Read ― NetGalley
"Delightful illustrations accompany the rhyming text in this children's book about dealing with negative feelings like anger and frustration. At the end of the book is a list of ideas to help children calm themselves when they're feeling angry or have a hard time dealing with their feelings... Written by a school counselor, The Struggle Bus would be a good read aloud for storytime at the library or in the classroom as the repetitive "Grumble, rumble, bump, and bop" invites the listener to participate in the story. I would also recommend it to parents of young children who want to help their children develop their social emotional learning skills."
-- Monica B., Librarian ― NetGalley